Fees & Funding
The Hammond's Fees for 2024 - 2025
Our fees cover general academic books, stationery and fees for academic examinations. Lunches are included for School students.
There will be no charge for auditions.
Following a successful audition, a non-refundable registration fee of £160 is payable to secure your young person’s place at The Hammond.
You can only be considered for MDS funding (School Dance only) after payment of the £160. (The registration fee is not applicable The Hammond’s Diploma courses).
Please note that registrations fees are subject to VAT.
Education & Dance Training £6,895/term*
Education & Acting and Musical Theatre Training £5,020/term*
Boarding £3,255/term*
*Please note that School Fees & Boarding Fees are subject to VAT.
Young Performers Scheme £700 per year*
*If the young person currently has their own private medical insurance, this is not compulsory. Certification of insurance will be requested by the Accounts Team.
Find out about The Hammond Young Performers Trust.
For students under the age of 16, please click here - to be completed by parent/guardian.
For students over the age of 16, please click here - to be completed by student.
Acting and Performance £4,772/term
Trinity Diploma in Professional Dance £6,674/term
Trinity Diploma in Professional Musical Theatre £6,674/term
Young Performers Scheme £700 per year*
*If the young person currently has their own private medical insurance, this is not compulsory. Certification of insurance will be requested by the Accounts Team.
Find out about The Hammond Young Performers Trust.
For students under the age of 16, please click here - to be completed by parent/guardian.
For students over the age of 16, please click here - to be completed by student.
Additional charges will be made for any school trips, taxis (including those to and from medical appointments), school photographs and any music and dance examination fees.
Production Contribution - there will be a £45 production cost charged for student participation in school productions.
Internal Ticket Contribution – a £50 fee covers the cost of the pupil watching all internal performance.
Any additional charges arising will be billed in advance or in arrears, at the discretion of the school.
This deposit is included in your child’s first term's account but is not counted against your school fees. It is refunded when your child leaves the school.
UK Pupils £350
EU Pupils £1,500
International Pupils £3,500
The Music and Dance Scheme (MDS) is a remarkable and much admired part of the UK's education and training system. It is the Government's main vehicle for supporting exceptionally talented young musicians and dancers regardless of their background and financial circumstances. This funding is available to School Dance (11-16) students only.
The Hammond has very limited MDS places available – usually around 10 per year group – and these are allocated based primarily on highest score at audition. An MDS is a means-tested award which means the value of the place is dependent on the household income.
Music & Dance Scheme
Dance & Drama Award
The Dance and Drama Awards (DaDAs) offer annual scholarships to exceptionally talented performing arts students studying at some of the country’s leading providers of professional vocational training in dance, drama and musical theatre. This funding is available to Professional Diploma students only.
The DaDA is only available to young people on our Professional Diploma: Dance (16+) and Professional Diploma: Musical Theatre (16+) courses. DaDAs are allocated based on highest score at audition.
A DaDA is a means-tested award which means the value of the place is dependent on the household income. You can see how much a DaDA will be worth to your household here (please note, this is based on gross income).
Other Fees
Find out about The Hammond Young Performers Trust.
For students under the age of 16, please click here - to be completed by parent/guardian.
For students over the age of 16, please click here - to be completed by student.
A full term’s fees are required prior to entering The Hammond, along with the returnable deposit referenced above. For students whose first language is not English, extra language tuition under the English as an Additional Language Service (EAL) will be arranged, for which additional charges will apply.
Please get in touch if you have any questions. -
These can be organised for music and drama students on request. Please contact the School Finance & Administration Department for more details:
Payment of School Fees
Fees are strictly payable in advance, one week before the first day of each term, by any of the following methods:
Direct Bank Transfer:
Bank Sort Code: 20-20-46 Account Number: 50436623
Please include the student’s name and your invoice number
Debit or Credit Cards:
Please call the Finance Office on 01244 305 350 to pay via Credit or Debit Card.
Fees in Advance:
Fees paid in advance (2 years +) protect you from future fee increases over the pre-paid period. For more information, please call or email the Finance Office: accounts@thehammond.co.uk
Further Finance Information
To remove your child or terminate your contract with the school, a term’s notice in writing to the Principal & Registrar is strictly required on or before the start of term. Failure to comply with this will result in a term’s fees being charged in lieu of notice.
The fees protection scheme allows families to claim for fees paid if your child can not be in school due to illness or injury. The application form below can be completed and returned to accounts@thehammond.co.uk.