The Graduating Year 11 Class of 2022

Congratulations to the Hammond’s Year 11s on the grace with which they’ve met every challenge thrown at them in order to celebrate every milestone they’ve reached so far.

This group of students have overcome so much and to see them together, celebrating each other and all they’ve achieved at Friday’s Celebration Day event and their stunning Prom makes us feel very proud and privileged to have been a part of their journey. That journey isn’t quite over yet, with ‘Aspirations’, (our 2022 Lower School Dance show), looming as well as a secret Theatre Arts project, there’s still a chance to see the two courses of this year group shine one more time.

Year 11, whether you’re staying with us next year or moving on to a new adventure, we wish you all the best and hope you know that we’re always here to celebrate your successes and to help you out should you need an extra bit of support.

On behalf of Year 11 and the entire Hammond family, we’d like to add our thanks to guest speaker James Pearson for his lovely words and excellent advice.


September 2023 Entry


The Graduating Theatre Arts Advanced Class of 2022