College Acting & Performance

 For All Students

Please complete:

Please read:

Please read the following policies linked below:

Behaviour Management Policy

Anti-bullying Policy

PCHE and RSE Policy

Mobile Devices Policy

There are a number of other policies you may find informative on this page.

Registration Form - Acting & Performance

 Payment of School Fees

Fees are strictly payable in advance, one week before the first day of each term, by any of the following methods:

Direct Bank Transfer:

Bank Sort Code: 20-20-46 Account Number: 50436623
Please include the student’s name and your invoice number

Debit or Credit Cards:

Please call the Finance Office on 01244 305 350 to pay via Credit or Debit Card.

Fees in Advance:

Fees paid in advance (2 years +) protect you from future fee increases over the pre-paid period.
For more information, please call or email the School Secretary or Finance Office.