Here's to the Future...

In 1917, Miss Irene Hammond, a dance teacher and performer from Cheltenham, moved to Chester where she began teaching dance for Mrs Amy Broom, née Webster, who was known for her classes at the Grosvenor Ballroom.

The Webster School was already an established enterprise in Chester having been run by Mrs Broom’s father, Edgar, since 1833. The school was originally opened by Louis Doré of London in 1823.​

By 1919, Miss Hammond had officially taken over the school, which became known as the Miss Irene Hammond School. Over the last century, The Hammond has grown and developed, changing and adapting with the times.

Jump forward to 2021 and The Hammond continues to thrive. This is a result of constant self-evaluation, maintaining links to the ever-evolving industry and through discussions within our community. We acknowledge that in order to maintain our exceptional reputation and to continue offering world-class training and education, it is time to update how we communicate our identity to the world.

You may notice this website is overly simple and contains the barest amount of information possible. This is because we're currently building a new one as part of a full-Hammond rebrand. On this site, you'll find all the information you need to apply, audition and gain an understanding as to who we are and what we value. We hope our new website and branding will develop this further allowing you to truly understand what an exceptional place we have the privilege to call home is.

Here's to the next 100 years!

If you'd like further information regarding The Hammond's future, or would like to contribute ideas, please fill in the form below. 

Thank you,
Erin Royle
Head of Marketing


The Graduating Professional Diploma Students 2022